MyFarm is an innovative, web-based, record keeping program that Holmes Agro has specifically designed for farm operations. It is accessible from your phone, tablet, or computer.
Holmes Agro is honoured to be a recipient of the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence for 2017! This award recognizes agri-food producers, processors, and organizations that help promote our communities through job growth and opportunity, economic and community growth, and a dedication to sustainable environmental projects and practices in Ontario. For more information, visit the Premier’s website. …
Thank you to all our sponsors over the years, and thank you to all our customers for your endless support! Keeping track of crop plans on paper can be time-consuming. That’s why Holmes Agro, an agricultural input retailer, partnered with a programmer to develop a better solution: MyFarm. Available online or as a mobile app, the information management tool uses satellite imagery to track where and when fields were seeded, fertilized and sprayed. The software lets users view multiple years of crop production data, including crop rotation, crop protection programs, fertility programs, soil sample results and crop budgets. The system is constantly updated and can be adapted to any size and type of crop production. Today, MyFarm gives more than 350 customers detailed information at their fingertips, enabling them to better assess the success of their growing programs, enhance profitability and plan for the future.
Holmes Agro is honoured to be a recipient of the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence for 2017! This award recognizes agri-food producers, processors, and organizations that help promote our communities through job growth and opportunity, economic and community growth, and a dedication to sustainable environmental projects and practices in Ontario. For more information, visit the Premier’s website. …
Thank you to all our sponsors over the years, and thank you to all our customers for your endless support! Keeping track of crop plans on paper can be time-consuming. That’s why Holmes Agro, an agricultural input retailer, partnered with a programmer to develop a better solution: MyFarm. Available online or as a mobile app, the information management tool uses satellite imagery to track where and when fields were seeded, fertilized and sprayed. The software lets users view multiple years of crop production data, including crop rotation, crop protection programs, fertility programs, soil sample results and crop budgets. The system is constantly updated and can be adapted to any size and type of crop production. Today, MyFarm gives more than 350 customers detailed information at their fingertips, enabling them to better assess the success of their growing programs, enhance profitability and plan for the future.